Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Baby to Big Kid

From Baby to Big Kid

I chose the newsletter for Zero to Three, Baby to Big Kid, which focuses on the time of development from 24 to 30 months specifically. This week they have many subjects about development and other issues during this period. For instance, they have a development chart which lists what toddlers are doing and what parents can do to connect with their toddler to help in this developmental instance. As an example, they list that toddlers use their bodies to move from place to place and parents can help by limiting television time and “get moving” with them by going on neighborhood walks. They also discuss activities for bonding and how important it is for parents to know their children. They recommend that parents read their child’s favorite stories and spend time talking with them. They also describe memory skills and note that children during this age can actually remember events from up to three months earlier, which I did not realize. In this issue, they also provide descriptions for stages of early writing, which I think is important for parents to know so that they will not be pushing writing too early.

In this current newsletter, I did not see any response to changing demographics and diversity.

Professional contact update: I have not heard from my overseas professional contacts. I will inform everyone as soon as I do.


  1. Mr. Starnes thanks for sharing this information. It reminded of the the Baby Center Newsletter I receive periodically that tells me developmental milestones for all of my children. It reminded me of they should be doing and also gave me tips and pointers on what I can do to help them potty train or get them to eat vegetables. Your selections and the Baby Center newsletters are great options to have when you're a first time parent. Nice post :)

  2. As I read through your comment concerning the importance of parents getting to know their children I was reminded of a nugget of wisdom I heard years ago. In a lecture about the important part parents play in their children's lives I heard the speaker say that she took the time to really get to know and listen to her children when they were young so that when they became older and were facing the difficult decisions of life (teen and young adult years) they would take the time to listen to her. That has really stuck with me and colors the way that I interact with my own boys. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Hi Joseph,
    This is so important to me, as I have five children and am a member of the workforce full-time, while going to school. Obviously, the demands on my time are immense, but as I parent connecting to my children is the most important of these demands in my opinion. While this information is beneficial on a professional level, it is also personally beneficial as well. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Joseph, thanks for the information, and I love Zero to Three. They share great information for every family member. Bonding is information we all can use with our children too. Thanks for the information

  5. Joseph,

    Thanks for sharing this. I like that there are resources for parents. A lot of families do not know where to go to obtain beneficial information. Taking walks and moving around with you child has so many benefits other than the obvious physical benefits. Thanks again!

  6. Hi Joseph,

    I pulled one of Zero To Three's developmental articles this week also. We have a number of children transitioning to the toddler class and along with observations I like to give their parents information about what their child can do developmentally and how they can support their further their growth.
