Thursday, July 5, 2012

Relationship Reflection

Having relationships is extremely important in this world. I have been very fortunate in having meaningful relationships with family and friends. The most important relationship that I currently have is my relationship with God. He is the one that knows me better than any other and even in my faults, He loves me anyway. I strive to maintain and even improve this relationship by trying to follow His word and living life.

Another important relationship that I have is with my sister and brothers. We are all very close and although we do not see things the same way most of the time, we are capable of being there for each other when we are needed. Our mother passed away two years ago and as horrible as that experience was in some ways it brought us together like never before.

Another important relationship I have is with my children, my students. It is amazing to me the light, love, honesty, and creativity that young children are able to show I look forward every morning to their laughter, brilliance, and comedy routines. I feel that I have such a great relationship with my children because they know that I will be there for them and they trust me to do the right thing by them.

I am also blessed to have a close relationship/partnership with my assistant. We are honest, open, and there for each other. My assistant, Mrs. Patti, feels the same way that I do about the children in our room and education in general.

Again, relationships are very important. I believe that all relationships require time, honesty, compassion, and some sort of shared interest to be successful.


  1. Hi Joseph,
    I really found your comments about your relationship with your students to be very touching. I feel exactly the same way about my students. It's so sweet and amazing that we can see them as our own kids and build such a close bond with them.

  2. Hi Joseph
    I connected with your comment about your siblings. It is an important relationship to have. I think that sometimes these very differences we have with our siblings help to forge relationships beyond the home. I know my siblings have taught me to be patient, tolerant and accepting of differences. Despite our differences we do love each other unconditionally.

    Having such a trusting relationship with one's assistant is also vital. Children so easily sense when things are not as they should be. So having this trusting, honest and mutual understanding relationship is key to success in the classroom.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. We all need to learn the significance of the relationships with the people we care about. More often than not we take our families for granted and do not treat them with respect, yet the first people that we expect to be there in a time of need is our family. In order for those around us to feel appreciated, we must treat them with respect and show them that they are important to us. It is really sad that so many people do not share how they feel about their family members until it is too late. I strongly agree with you that relationships require time, compassion, honesty among other things to make it successful.

  5. Hi Joseph, I feel the same way about my siblings. We are very different individuals, but the bond between us is very strong. I related to how you feel about your students as "your children". It is hard to let them go at the end of a school year. You are very fortunate to have Mrs. Patti. It was very thoughtful of you to include her.

  6. Hi Joseph. I have to say that it's a pleasure to see a male teaching young children. From your post and the comments I guess we all feel that the children we teach are our children also. I lost my dad a year ago and it also mended a break that was between my siblings.

  7. Hi Joseph! Thank you for being courageous enough to opening tell us about your relationship with God. In this day and age it is often a sensitive subject as we have become strictly politically correct in many ways. A relationship with God is so important (in my eyes)to me shows that you have true faith which is needed as times get tougher and tougher. It was great to read what you wrote this week!
