Thursday, August 2, 2012

My Supports

Daily Environment: Fortunately, I am blessed to have server factors available in my daily environment that are supportive to me. One factor, of course is my schedule. I am a schedule and routine oriented person so my schedule keeps me on track and allows me to know what is coming next. It has been pointed out to me that I need a schedule and a routine just like the age group that I teach. I also have emotional supports in the form of co-workers and friends who give me encouragement when things become difficult. If I were to lose either of these supports, I would not be able to function very well. Without either of them, I am certain that I would feel lost.

A development that would be a great challenge to me would be if I were to lose my hearing or sight. I do not think that I could handle losing my sight due to so much of what I do is based on the ability to see; however, I know that no one has ever wanted to lose their sight it just happens. To make these conditions more manageable I would need a great variety of supports. Physical supports that I would need would include things like a walking stick or Seeing Eye dog, keeping obstacles out of the way. I would also need emotional and social supports. I would need a friend as well as faith to help me learn to accept the condition as my new life path. I would also need training to help me to develop and fully learn how to manage this new condition in my life.

All of us have varying needs and abilities and most of us have at least a few supports that help us cope with the extreme condition that is life.